SonOfaButcher, Adriaan van der Hek

a big fan of everything that has to do with music. Every year has a full agenda with concerts and festivals. Especially dance and then preferably techno like at Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE), Awakenings, Mysteryland, DGTL and LoveLand. But also Paul Kalkbrenner, Rammstein and even Katy Perry and Pink. For many years I played as a hobby on my Yamaha keyboard, but never in a band or something.

In 2022 I decided not to just listen to music but to start producing music myself. I do this under my own name and the name SonOfaButcher. You can find my work on Spotify, Youtube, Soundcloud, Apple music and other music networks. I started TECHNOTherapy in 2024 because I want to help people with my experience as a musician, technician, employee, employer, divorced father of 2 daughters and more.